Communications students move into new Unified Media Lab

Ball State recently opened the Unified Media Lab on the second floor of the Arts and Journalism Building. Journalism and telecommuncation majors will be using the facility to produce student media. DN PHOTO BREANNA DAUGHERTY
Ball State recently opened the Unified Media Lab on the second floor of the Arts and Journalism Building. Journalism and telecommuncation majors will be using the facility to produce student media. DN PHOTO BREANNA DAUGHERTY

Ball State news media students moved into the new Unified Media Lab this weekend.

Students from the Daily News, NewsLink Indiana, Ball Bearings and WCRD news will now operate from the lab.

Located on the second floor of the Arts and Journalism building, the room contains 46 computers.

Juli Metzger, coordinator of unified media, said the room was built as a part of an ongoing initiative to give journalism and telecommunications students experience in all branches of the field.

The plan started with the combination of the journalism and telecommunications curriculum and has continued with the creation of the lab.

“The Unified Media Lab is the place where you get to practice that classroom discussion,” Metzger said. “The students can gain experience not just in one platform, but in all of the platforms. We know if students get that, they’re much more likely to actually get hired.”

The college will hold an open house March 4 to show the new room to anyone interested.

Today’s paper was the first to be published from the new lab.
