Ball State SGA votes down Greek Life bill

The bill

• First introduced on Oct. 16

• Called to allocate $6,000 each year for Greek Life organizations

• The Finance Committee recommended against voting for the bill

• Voted down 6 to 28 with four abstaining

• Student Government Association voted 28 to 6 against the Greek Life Co-Sponsorship Bill.

• The bill called for SGA to allocate $6,000 each year for Greek Life organizations.

• Finance Committee recommended the bill was voted down.

The Greek Life Co-Sponsorship Bill that has been discussed in Student Government multiple times this semester was voted down today in Senate by recommendation of the Finance Committee.

The bill, which was first introduced during the SGA meeting on Oct. 16, called to allocate $6,000 each year for Greek Life organizations in future SGA budgets.

The last time the bill was read in Senate, on Nov. 6, the co-sponsorship committee gave a recommendation to Senate to vote the bill down or make changes to it because it is currently unconstitutional.

The bill says the greek community needs more money to “continue successful recruitment of Ball State students,” implying if the bill had been passed, the money would go toward greek recruitment.

According to SGA Co-Sponsorship Guidelines, funding for apparel and events involving alcoholic beverages or charitable contributions will not be granted co-sponsorship approval.

Instead of being voted down on Nov. 6, it was sent to the Finance Committee for revision and discussion.

SGA pro tempore Jack Hesser said the Finance Committee talked about the bill and met with the bill’s authors and SGA adviser.

“The recommendation was to vote it down,” Hesser said. “[The bill authors] are in favor of bringing it back, voting it down and pursuing other avenues.”

Vice president Alyssa France said the bill read in senate today was exactly the same as it was at its other readings.

When the bill was voted down 6 to 28 with four abstaining, co-author of the bill senator Jacob Cash thanked the committees for their suggestions and said they will consider changes to the bill.

“By no means were we trying to get this passed today, just trying to bring up the idea [of changes],” Cash said. “We hope in the future something can be passed in the same realm, but we know because of some stipulations it cannot pass today.”


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