Practical Poses

Ball Bearings

Caffeinated beverages and catnaps are a big part of a college student’s universe. Between 8 a.m. classes, part-time jobs and social engagements, student activities and a healthy lifestyle can be a struggle.

Whether you’re looking to fight off the “Freshman 15” or searching for some inner peace between classes, yoga is an easy and fun way to relax your body and mind.

In her book, “Slim, Calm, Sexy Yoga,” YouTube sensation Tara Stiles offers a variety of poses and sequences to cure whatever ails you. From headaches to hangovers and anxiety to insomnia, the practice of yoga is here to help you battle almost anything college life throws your way.

“Freshman 15”

These stances aren’t just for the freshmen. For those looking to kick their metabolism into high gear and start their morning with a nice stretch, the following sequence is a great option for putting the “good” in good morning.

Try holding each pose for five deep inhales and exhales — except the “knee-to-chest circle,” do as many as you’d like, and keep it even for both left and right rotations and for both legs.

1. Lying-Down V: It’s as simple as it sounds. Create two “Vs” with your body by lying on your back with your arms overhead to create a “V” with your upper half and then your legs hip-width apart to create a “V” with your lower half.

2. V Twist: From the same position, cross your right leg over your left and lift your hips off the floor. Tilt your head and reach your arms to the right side of your body to feel the stretch. Switch sides.

3. Knee-to-Chest Circle: Lying on your back, bend your right knee and tuck it into your chest. After holding it there for a few breaths, gently circle it a few times to the left, then to the right. Extend your leg and repeat the same process on the other side.

Download the full Ball Bearings Back to School Issue in the Apple Store or Android Marketplace to find out more poses that battle the “Freshman 15,” hangovers and exams, including step-by-step photo instructions.

The issue also has other stories, such as how to reinvent restaurant leftovers into a tasty new meal, an inside look at the Village and downtown bars (drink specials included) and off-campus house hunting tips. Visit to learn more about the student-life magazine.


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