Fashion show gives seniors one last chance to show their style

The Daily News

A model stands before the Crowd, modeling a piece by Krista Altland, at the We are the Creators fashion show on Sunday evening.  DN PHOTO JORDAN HUFFER
A model stands before the Crowd, modeling a piece by Krista Altland, at the We are the Creators fashion show on Sunday evening. DN PHOTO JORDAN HUFFER

Rows of fashion enthusiasts filled the Alumni Center as 15 apparel design seniors displayed their work for the last time on Sunday. Models in original pieces trekked across the runway to a thumping soundtrack. The show’s pieces displayed a diverse range of fashion, from basketball-inspired menswear to grim womenswear.

Katelynn Hall, a senior apparel design and fashion merchandising major, was one of the two head coordinators for the show, which was based off of a fashion promotions class. The class was divided into three groups, and Hall would oversee to meet deadlines. 

In addition to coordinating the show, Hall’s pieces from her collection were displayed as she managed the chaos backstage.

“I didn’t get to see the show because I was backstage, but seeing my models walk past me was really rewarding,” Hall said.

There were two shows Sunday, the first of which was stressful, but the second ran much smoother, Hall said.

Maris Schiess, a senior advertising major, observed the show a few rows from the runway. She said she’s gone to the senior fashion show before.

“For this show, I knew more of the designers and I put faces into the collections,” she said. “Each designer had a distinct vision, and it was a delight to see their hard work.”

On the runway, Kelsie Selch, a junior glass major, walked in a paneled, dark dress as a model for designer Natalie Thomas. She wore a coat by Thomas in last year’s show and was invited to model again.

“The dress was made for a shorter person,” Selch said. “I was fortunate to fit into this dress. I’m 5-foot and in a fashion show. Not a lot of girls can do that.”

Thomas, a senior apparel design major, was inspired by ghosts, dark magic and shadows for her collection. She focused on woodblock prints in Japan, which involved gradient techniques. She took the gradient idea and put it into the hems of her clothes. The silhouettes were slim and straight, with handprint work in most of her garments.

With graduation approaching in May, Thomas is in the process of securing an internship in New York City, but said she will miss being a student.

“I’m sad that I’d have to work for someone and not have the time to sew and make whatever I want,” she said. “But I wouldn’t have imagined to be in the position I am in right now. I realized everyone is different, and I can do whatever I need to do.” 

Taylor Groft, a senior in apparel design, was one of the few menswear designers in the show. The main influence on the garments was athletic wear, with white, minimalistic touches.

“I grew up playing and watching basketball,” he said. “Athleticism seems effortless, so I wanted to translate that into my clothes. I’m not afraid to play around with silhouettes and put men in skirts.”

Last summer, Groft had an internship with Calvin Klein in New York City. He will move back after graduation to be a design assistant.

“I’ve spent four years working really hard to get to where I am,” Groft said. “I’m ready to take my creativity and my skills to the next step, which is being on the design team for Calvin Klein. I’m ready.”


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