Indianapolis reporters to speak at Ball State as part of Sunshine Week

The Daily News

Shining the light of truth, transparency and promoting open government is the core theme to Sunshine Week.

Ball State will take part in the national initiative this week by holding a discussion with two journalists who have recently investigated the Indiana Economic Development Corporation.

John Russell, investigative reporter for the Indianapolis Star, and WTHR-TV reporter Bob Segall will discuss their probing into IEDC.

The IEDC was established in 2005 and focuses on “growing and retaining businesses in Indiana and attracting new business to the State,” according to its website. The organization consists of a 12-member board, which Gov. Mike Pence chairs. 

The IEDC’s methods were questioned when investigators found the supposed jobs that had been created never materialized.

The investigation was soon followed by the passing of legislation that requires the IEDC to release information on companies that receive tax breaks and job creation projections.

This will be the ninth consecutive year Ball State has had a Sunshine Week program and was put together by Phil Bremen, assistant professor of telecommunications and former NBC correspondent.

The event will take place at 7:30 tonight in Davide Letterman Communication and Media Building room 125.


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