Writer to speak during Unity Week

The Daily News

Pulitzer Prize-winning author Eugene Robinson will speak tonight with a heavy emphasis on race relations and diversity, according to the Multicultural Center.

Robinson, author of “Disintegration: The Splintering of Black America”, a book which, according to its review in The New York Times, demonstrates that the idealized version of the black community no longer exists. 

Robinson argues that the black community has splintered into four distinct groups that have little in common and even less cross identity.

He was born in the still-segregated south and grew up during civil rights movement. He attended a predominantly white high school as a black student, according to the Multicultural Center. 

Robinson will speak to the progress African-Americans have made, so much to the point it has made the conventional education on race pointless. 

This free program will take place at 7:30 p.m. in Pruis Hall. 


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