City installs new parking meters along Riverside Avenue

Students and faculty might notice something new as they make their way onto campus today: parking meters on Riverside Avenue.

Parking along Riverside Avenue has been free in the past, but the city has decided to install new meters in order to generate more money

"It was free parking; it had nothing to do with Ball State because we own none of the streets, and so along that area there was this thought about meters," Jim Lowe, director of Facilities Planning and Management, said. "It's the city streets, so they can do what they're doing, and I think it's from Tillotson up to Cooper, and so that's where the meters are being installed."

Lowe said the plan to install the meters has been in the works for the last two or three years.

Parking meters have slowly gone up throughout the south part of campus starting with University Avenue alongside IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital and could continue spreading throughout the area.

"At some point in time there were no meters on University Avenue next to the soccer field there by the hospital where we're drilling, and the city installed meters there," Lowe said. "Then I heard some information that would lead me to believe they were going to install meters.""

Lowe said the spots that are now metered could eventually go away if Riverside Avenue is redone just like McKinley Avenue was a few years ago.

"Now someday, this could be a decade or two decades from now, there's always this thought that the parking along there might be eliminated because there might be some funding available to redo perhaps Riverside all the way out to Tillotson, much like we've done the main campus, but I can't imagine that happening anytime soon," he said. "That's why the city's probably moving ahead and installing their meters."


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