DISTANT FIRST: Scoffing at melodramatic Potter fans

I realize the Harry Potter franchise is one that has been around for two-thirds of my life. What I don't understand is why people are so emotional.

My colleague Kelly and some other DN editors are really looking forward to the show tonight, but they're a little too excited if you ask me.

I've watched most of the movies (I'm working on finishing the series this weekend) and I've read all the books. But the end of a supposed era is not something I could justify crying about.

It's a big deal, to be sure. Very few franchises go eight movies without switching actors or introducing extraneous characters. Even fewer are almost exactly scripted from the books, as the Harry Potter series is.

But in the end, it's just a movie and book series. I see no reason to be so melodramatic.

If you want to peg me as a cold-hearted jerk, go ahead. But I have cried at movies before. Marley and Me caused me to weep like a runner-up in a beauty contest. I haven't seen the end of "Deathly Hallows Pt. 1," but I'm sure I'll cry when Dobby dies.

But anger, sadness or grief due only to the idea of the series ending is not in my emotional repertoire. I'm just like the Fresh Prince's parents: I just don't understand.

I'll bet you didn't cry at the end of the Indiana Jones, James Bond or Star Wars series. Why would you cry at the end of this series?

And if you are so sad about the end, there are other options.

A lot of my friends have been posting on Twitter and Tumblr about how they are so sad the series is ending. Wake up, people. This is why we have DVDs.

If you want to look back to your youth, plop the DVD in and watch the movie. Or you could just open up the books and be transported back to the wizarding world.

Speaking of the "wizarding world," if you are really worried about your life without a bunch of British kids, go to the new amusement park in Florida.

What amazes me most, though, is hearing an adult spent $30 on a wand. Unless you're Wiccan (which is totally cool with me), I see no point in spending that much money on a piece of plastic or wood or paper. Eventually, it's just going to be in a box full of memories. At least make it yourself. That way, you can be proud of it.

I'm excited to see the end of the series. It's been 10 years since the first film and it's sure to be thrilling.

But even J.K. Rowling has said the characters will live on. Your friends from the franchise aren't dying; they'll be around until your DVD player breaks.


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