CCIM China Immersion | Hong Kong, where East meets West

Hong Kong is a fascinating place, with a fascinating history. Hong Kong once was a colony of Britain because of this it contains aspect of the East and the West. Businesses from both ends of the earth take residence in Hong Kong, and business from the Western cultures have been influenced by practices of the Chinese to create a blend of the two.

The Walt Disney Company has incorporated eastern principles in the operation of the Hong Kong Disneyland resort, most notable is the practice of Feng Shui throughout the park.

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese ideology concerned with aesthetics that is controlled by the heavens, or astrology and the earth or geography. When the principles are followed correctly it is said to help improve one's life positively.

The term Fengshui translated into English means "Wind Water." This name is fitting and reflects the practice that relies on the positioning of the elements to create good Qi, or positives.

In Hong Kong, where Feng Shui's ancient roots go deep, you'll find a deep and unwavering belief that guides nearly every aspect of daily life. In mainland China during the cultural revolution, the practice of Feng Shui was suppressed and the practice became stronger in Hong Kong. Even with western Influence in Hong Kong, the traditional eastern practice of Feng Shui still has roots and is being followed by many.

For more, visit the CCIM China Immersion blog.


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