Latino Student Union hosts event to discuss culture, sexual taboos

Ball State students and faculty will learn about sexual taboos within the Latino culture in a comedic, yet serious setting at the Latino Student Union's annual dinner theater.

"It especially focuses on these topics from the point of view of a Latin woman," Graciela Roman, LSU president, said. "We expect the night will be relaxing and highly entertaining."

The event is one of LSU's biggest of the year, Roman said.

Teatro Luna, an all-Latina theater group from Chicago, will perform at the dinner this year.

"They perform shows that expose the beauty, taboos, stereotypes and other rich aspects of the Latino culture," Roman said.

Michael Rivera, vice-resident of LSU, said the show will be somewhat relatable.

"The group writes their own shows from their own experiences or they research their friends' experiences," he said.

Both executives encourage students to come to the event.

"It is something that they probably won't see on a regular basis," Rivera said. "It shows a whole different aspect to sex and gives people a sense of different cultures."

Roman said the dinner is a learning opportunity for students.

"It is such a unique and entertaining way to be exposed to the Latino culture," Roman said. "You might learn how rich or diverse the culture is, how different it is than you may have thought or you might even learn that it is not all that different from your own culture."

Rivera said he has planned the dinner theater for the past three years, and is excited to get emails from people who aren't in LSU who want to come to the show.

"People who have never been to this event before come not knowing what to expect," he said. "But at the end of the show, they can't wait for next year."

Before Teatro Luna performs, there will be a Mexican buffet provided by University Catering.

After they perform, a question and answer session will follow, as well as a time for pictures, Rivera said.

Tickets are free, but space is limited for the event.

"It always has a good turnout and good feedback," Roman said. "Dinner theater is a way to promote the Latino culture in a fun, informative and exciting way."


Latino Student Union's Dinner Theater

When? 6-9 p.m. Friday L.A. Pittenger Student Center Ballroom

Tickets? Free

View LSU's Facebook page or contact Graciela Roman at or Michael Rivera at for

ticket information


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