Ball State Energy Action Team to host movie night tonight

For anyone who is concerned with the state of the global environment, a fan of Leonardo DiCaprio or interested in learning about energy tips on campus, the Ball State Energy Action Team will be hosting a free movie night, featuring "The 11th Hour."

BEAT, in partnership with the University Programs Board, will be showcasing the film tonight at 7 p.m. in AJ 175. Information about BEAT's initiatives and the Energy Challenge will also be available, along with the opportunity to sign an energy pledge card and win a prize.

Junior advertising major and a BEAT member Megan Gish said the team chose the movie and UPB obtained it for showing.

"The film talks about the state of the global environment and renewed energy," she said. "It leads the conversation most closely focused on electricity and energy, which is tailored to the energy challenge that we are implementing here at Ball State."

According to Manohla Dargis, co-chief film critic for the New York Times, the film is "an unnerving, surprisingly affecting documentary about our environmental calamity [that] is such essential viewing."

"The 11th Hour" is narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio and examines the state of the global environment with renewed energy in the wake of recent natural disasters. The showing of the film is aimed at bringing to light the bigger picture behind BEAT's focus on energy-use and reduction through their initiatives and Energy Challenge.

Elliot Hall was the weekly winner for Week 1 of the Residence Hall Energy Challenge. As a whole, participating residence halls reached their community goal of 10 percent energy reduction for the week.

For students that can't make it to the event, the film is available in the library and information about BEAT can be found at BEAT information, initiatives and mini-challenges can also be found on their Facebook page throughout the Energy Challenge.

Upcoming events for BEAT include an Energy Conversation at the Panhellenic Council this Thursday at 5 p.m. and a Jamba Juice competition on April 7 in the Atrium where a set number of students who sign an energy pledge card will receive a free drink.


Residence Hall Energy Challenge

Week 1 Results:

Elliot Hall - 84.3 percent

Noyer Halls - 91 percent

Lafollette Halls - 98.5 percent

Johnson Halls - 98.9 percent

Park Hall - 99.4 percent

Kinghorn Hall - 100 percent

Woodworth Hall - 100 percent

Dehority Halls - 100.1 percent

Studebaker West - 101.5 percent

Wagoner Hall - 105 percent



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