WOMEN'S BASKETBALL: Ball State blown out by Toledo

Cardinals' losing streak extends to six games

Ball State's losing streak was extended to six games Saturday afternoon following a 67-49 loss to Toledo at Worthen Arena.

Coach Kelly Packard said Toledo's defense is what led to her team's loss.

"They're a solid, solid ball team," Packard said. "They're a postseason ball team. That's a team that has stifling defense right now."

The Rockets' defense did trouble the Cardinals, holding them to 31 percent from the field. Ball State was also held without a 3-pointer on 11 attempts. 

Five of the missed 3-point attempts came from senior guard Ty'ronda Benning.

"I started attacking more," Benning said. "I just stopped shooting threes after awhile and tried to get to the basket."

Though her team struggled throughout most of the game, Packard said she did see some things about her team she liked.

"We threw some trapping into our 1-3-1 that was successful early," Packard said. "We knew they would be a chore to handle with all night if we went man-to-man defensively."

The Cardinals were able to force the Rockets to commit 17 turnovers on the night.

One of the game's biggest moments occurred  when Ball State's leading scorer, senior Emily Maggert, fouled out of the game with 11:44 left in the second half.

"I had to be more offensive minded," Benning said. "[Maggert] averages 16 points a game and it that situation I have to be thinking to score the basketball."

Maggert finished the game with six points and three rebounds.

Toledo's guard Naama Shafir and forward Melissa Goodall both scored 15 points in the game. In the previous match up, the pair both scored 14 points in the win over the Cardinals.

Packard continued to be impressed by Shafir and Goodall.

"[Shafir] has always been really skilled at making decisions," Packard said. "She's able to keep the dribble alive and has a great change of speed that makes her effective. Goodall is an inside-out kid. She's able to post up and step outside and show range."

Benning finished the game with 16 points and was a perfect eight for eight from the foul line.

Toledo finished the game shooting 45 percent from the field.

The loss drops the Cardinals to 9-17 overall and 4-9 in the Mid-American Conference. 


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