SGA votes on new pieces of legislation

Diversity is now one step closer to being implemented in both syllabuses and class rosters as a result of two new pieces of legislation passed.

A unified diversity statement will be apart of every syllabus, stating that students will be able to talk to their professor or department chair if they feel discriminated against in the classroom.

Students will also be able to take advantage of a preferred name option if they don't feel comfortable with their birth name. The option will affect ID cards and class rosters.

The preferred name option will take place in approximately 30 months when the system is updated.

Following the third reading at Wednesday's SGA meeting, SGA senate voted both pieces of legislation in with a 100 percent vote.

Jacob Kluth, SGA diversity and multicultural chair and author of both pieces of legislation, said he was happy with the results of the SGA senate vote.

"They have a lot of sponsors, and I know a lot of senators talked to their constituents to get them behind it," he said.

The pieces of legislation will be reviewed and voted on at Campus Council next Thursday. If passed, the they will move on to University Senate for a vote.


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