Scholastic book fair held today

The Speech Pathology and Audiology Department at Ball State will hold a Scholastic book fair in Bracken Library room 104 to benefit children participating in the Speech Language Clinic and Audiology Clinic operated by the department.

The book fair will be 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. from Feb. 9 to 11 and will involve speech pathology graduate students, members of the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association and Assistant Professor Amy Fritz-Ocock reading to children from the clinic. .

Alison Sprung, a speech pathology graduate assistant to Karen Thatcher, planned the event and said reading to children has benefits such as a higher literacy rate and they tend to do better in school.

"The earlier you read to kids, the better they do," she said.

According to the department's website, the children involved in the book fair are members of the Muncie community who have problems with communication due to language impairment, unintelligible speech, voice problems, stroke, cerebral palsy, throat surgery or hearing impairment.

This is the first year for the book fair, since 2005 due to location issues, Sprung said.

Scholastic will give a percentage of the profits from the books to the Speech Pathology and Language Department, who will then use the money to buy children's books for the children's literacy library at the clinic. The clinic is a way for students to learn how to counsel children under faculty supervision.


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