How-to book available to help new students

The Student Government Association Student Services committee spent the past couple of years putting together a book to assist freshmen and new students.

"How-To Book for Ball State University" is a reference book available online that is designed by students to help new students with all of the basics of starting at Ball State.

Angela Ziolkowski, SGA At-Large chair, said the book covers simple things new students may like to know.

"It is pretty much everything from how to schedule classes to how to ride the MITS bus," she said. "It is a good reference for students if they have a question about anything. It is a step-by-step way to figure out your problem."

Even though the book is online, the Student Services committee is always editing and adding new topics. The committee is trying to find a way to get one hard copy of the book for each of the residence hall's front desks.

Student Services is made up of about 10 students each year. Kayla Pickersgill, SGA president pro tempore and former Student Services chairwoman, said it is a collaborative effort by everyone on the Student Services committee.

The book is 48 pages long, but Ziolkowski said it will continue to grow as more Student Services members contribute.

Chris Buck, Student Services chairman, said the committee chose what to write about by talking with freshmen who were midway through their first year.

"We talked to a lot of underclassmen about what would have been important information for them to know [coming to Ball State]," he said. "We chose what we thought was really prevalent."

The chapters include residence halls, the Ball State website, Ball State organizations, making and saving money, safety, what students need to do before graduation, for class, important decisions, and miscellaneous. A list of common Ball State "lingo" is included in the back of the book.

The book can be found be found on the Facebook "Ball State University Official How-to Book" page or by visiting the SGA home page at

Pickersgill said the book can be useful for students.

"It is just really starting to get recognition," she said. "There are just so many things you learn from experience. It just kind of gives them a jump start about getting used to Ball State."


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Ball State Lingo Included in How To Book

Fly Swatter GÇÉ Place to hang banners or signs between North Quad and the Scramble Light

Funcie - Fun in Muncie

The Nest - Student section in Worthen Arena

Cow Path - Sidewalk behind the Robert Bell, David Letterman Communication and Media, Ball Communication, Art and Journalism buildings that connects north and south ends of campus

Benny - Nickname for bronze statue Beneficence, located next to Lucina Hall

Fishbowl - Glass area between inside and outside doors in some residence halls


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