Westboro Baptist Church to protest Elizabeth Edwards' funeral

The deceased wife of a North Carolina senator is being criticized by a radical church group for declining to recognize faith in God throughout the difficulties she's faced in her life.

Elizabeth Edwards, 61, died Dec. 7 after battling cancer for six years. During that time, she accepted her condition, and talked about it openly, even writing letters to her children based on the letters from Aurora Greenway to her daughter in the 1983 film, "Terms of Endearment," according to an Associated Press article.

The wife of North Carolina Senator John Edwards, Elizabeth wrote a note of farewell that was posted on Facebook in the days before her death. It began: "You all know that I have been sustained throughout my life by three saving graces—my family, my friends, and a faith in the power of resilience and hope."

Edwards' funeral will take place Saturday at Edenton Street United Methodist Church in Raleigh. The Westboro Baptist Church, known for their anti-homosexual protests at funerals, will be protesting 45 minutes before the funeral, according to a statement from the group. Their reasoning: her definance of God throughout her struggles, including the death of her son, Wade, who died in a car crash when he was 16, and her six-year battle with cancer.

"WBC will picket a respectful distance from the funeral of Elizabeth Edwards who split hell wide open on December 7, 2010," the note said.


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