Dems to voters: You may hate us, but GOP is worse

With just six weeks to avoid a possible election catastrophe, Democrats are trying to limit the damage with a closing argument that's more plea than platform: We know you voters are furious with us, but just let us explain why the Republicans would be worse.

Democrats already have given up on keeping several seats and are planning spending for the midterm elections accordingly.

Senate campaign officials said they have made no final decisions about how to allocate money, but Democrat Brad Ellsworth is no longer airing TV ads in his bid to hold the Indiana Senate seat left open by retiring Democrat Evan Bayh. Republican nominee Dan Coats leads in polls.

Ellsworth spokeswoman Liz Farrar said her campaign will resume TV ads at some point.

"Voters in Indiana have not seen or heard the last of Brad Ellsworth," she said.

Eric Schultz of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee would not discuss aid to Ellsworth but said, "We have to make a lot of spending decisions in the next 45 days."

If voters keep burning with the throw-the-bums-out fever that animated so many primaries, Democrats could lose more than 40 House seats, costing them the majority and positioning Republicans to block virtually any Obama initiatives in the next two years. Losing the Senate majority, which would require a 10-seat Republican gain, is less likely.

Democratic candidates want to convince these voters that no matter how much they hate the status quo, they would be worse off under a Republican Party that hasn't learned from its mistakes and is lurching ever harder to the right.

"This needs to be a choice, not a referendum" on the Democratic-led Congress and Obama administration, said Erik Smith, a Democratic campaign adviser.

President Barack Obama, campaigning for a Senate contender in Connecticut on Thursday, said of Republicans, "All they are going to be feeding us is anger and resentment and not a lot of new ideas. But that's a potent force when people are scared and they're hurting."


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