OUR VIEW: Women across country bare cleavage for "Boobquake"

AT ISSUE: Protests were in response to Iranian clericGÇÖs comments about females corrupting society

Whenever a natural disaster strikes, it's only a matter of time before someone gets blamed.

Ever since the Salem Witch Trials, bad fortune had to have a reason. Bad things can't just happen, right?

In recent years, Pat Robertson blamed Hurricane Katrina on the legality of abortion in America. He continued his streak of brilliance when he said Haiti's massive 7.0 earthquake was the result of a "pact with the devil."

So who, or what, is to blame for the seeming increase in earthquakes lately? Breasts.

Yeah, you read that right. Cleavage is the culprit.

Iranian prayer leader Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi claimed, "Many women who do not dress modestly ... lead young men astray, corrupt their chastity and spread adultery in society, which [consequently] increases earthquakes," according to the Associated Press.

How do young Americans respond? Students at Purdue University, led by Jennifer McCreight and her blog entry, sponsored "Boobquake" on Monday after seeing the comments.

In her blog, McCreight said, "I encourage other female skeptics to join me and embrace the supposed supernatural power of their breasts. With the power of our scandalous bodies combined, we should surely produce an earthquake."

Women broke out the V-neck shirts across the nation, according to ABC News, as a way to make a point.

Obviously, even with scantily clad women baring extra skin across the country today for "Boobquake," the world did not end.

However, at Ball State University, students went on with their days, worrying about their own busy schedules, while women in other countries are forced to cover themselves up completely in burqas or face harsh punishment.

Apparently, the women being targeted by Sedighi's comments had broken the modesty code by wearing tighter clothing and letting some of their hair show, according to BBC News.

We have the freedom to dress how we want. The First Amendment gives us the right to yell our opinions on each street corner. Why don't we take the opportunity to express our viewpoints more often?

We have the opportunity to make statements. We should wear what we want, when we want and how we want.

Don't sit idly by waiting for someone else to help you find your voice.


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