OUR VIEW: Offering thanks to student employees

As the year winds down it's a good time to extend some thanks and congratulations.
Across campus, students and employees are being recognized for their work during the past year.

Ball State just announced it's Student Employee of the Year, a student secretary who works for the Department of Family and Consumer Science. Senior Casey Rusk helped reorganize the filing system, and he said he's learned a lot about getting things done quickly and done well.

We'd like to extend congratulations to this young man, and to all the students who take on a job during college, earning at or right above minimum wage.

Gretchen Bale, administrative coordinator for the department, said this is the first time the department has nominated a student for the award.

"Since we don't do this with all of our students, I think he really was very deserving," she said.

Here's a big congratulations to Rusk, and to all students who take a job during college.

You might not realize it, but more than 5,900 Ball State students have jobs - that's nearly a third of the student body heading out each week to pick up trash, bus tables and swipe meal cards, often for minimum wage, or $7.25 an hour.

We've all seen the unhappy food service workers wiping off tables and picking up trash.

It's not easy work. Student employees in these sort of jobs put up with a lot. One of our newspaper staff works at a campus food court. She said one of the most discouraging parts about her job is how insensitive students can be when they're in a hurry. It takes more than two seconds to cook and prepare food. Even though you're in a rush, please don't channel your impatience onto student employees.

A simple thanks, a smile, maybe a helping hand could go a long way for these students. One of the students you just scowled at could be your classmate.

If you have a student job, keep your head up. The rest of us, we'll try to do a better job showing our thanks.


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