OUR VIEW: Drive safely, please

AT ISSUE: Warmer weather lends itself to reckless driving, speeding

Hey. Spring's here, if you didn't know.

The warmer weather means Ball State University's Landscape and Environmental Management crews are working to beautify campus before it floods with visiting relatives here to congratulate graduating students, or prospective students and their families exploring the scenery.

It also means that the grounds crews are patching up the unsightly and hazardous holes in the parking lots. (If only they could extend that to the main roads, which Muncie oversees ...)

Along with the lovely weather, the days of driving around with windows down are upon us. This also tends to lend itself to speeding and reckless driving, for some.

So make sure to pay attention to other drivers around campus and anywhere you go. This should go with out saying, but everyone can use a reminder every once and awhile.

Bicyclists and motorcyclists are out in full force as well. Before turning, check your mirrors and blind spots for that cyclist you might've missed. It's better to take your time turning than to rush and accidently hit someone. After all, not many of Ball State's riders wear helmets, and it's likely that if you hit one of them they will be seriously injured.

The reverse is true as well: Road warriors ­— don't assume that a car sees you. Better to let the car go first, even if you have the right of way, than to end up in the hospital.

And, for the love of all things, don't text and drive. Nothing is so important that it can't wait until a stoplight or until you're parked to answer.

We've unfortunately seen two accidents involving students this week. A male Muncie resident was involved in a midday accident on Tuesday at University and Manning avenues and sustained minor injuries and refused treatment. The driver of the other involved vehicle was taken to Ball Memorial Hospital with injuries.

Tragically, an ATV accident this past weekend killed senior communications studies major Abbi Hamilton. A candlelight vigil will be held to honor her memory at 8 p.m. on Wednesday on the University Green, after the Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event from 5 to 7 p.m. on LaFollette field, which Hamilton helped organize.

We don't know if that accident could have been prevented, but it should serve as a reminder to students to be careful when they're out and about.
Springtime brings out the best around campus and the flowers and green grass we've been waiting to see. But, be careful not to gawk too long and forget to look at what's going on around you.


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