Kinghorn Hall to be finished by end of May

As the semester comes to an end, so does construction on Thomas J. Kinghorn Hall as it enters its final stages.

The hall is in the final stage of actual construction and being touched up, Jim Lowe, director of engineering, construction and operations, said.

Construction began at the end of March last year and the residence hall didn't experience any major setbacks, Lowe said. Students will be able to move in on time in the fall. 

Lowe said workers are going through each wing of the residence hall to work on touch ups so they can begin moving furniture into the hall in the middle of June.

The work won't just disappear in June, Lowe said.

"The project will be done at the end of May," he said. "There will be a lot of activity throughout the summer, though."

Lowe said workers will spend the summer working on things like connecting the wireless Internet, hanging transmitters and testing the cable system. Lowe said the landscaping should be complete by Aug. 1 and workers will be waxing floors and touching up paint until move-in. 

"There will always be somebody doing final work up until move-in," he said. 

Alan Hargrave, director of Housing and Residence Life, said Kinghorn Hall was full within the first few days of room sign-ups. The suites filling up quickly shows that the new hall is attractive to students, he said.

The new hall will house 600 students and will include a multipurpose room, convenience store, a fitness area and an audio lab/mixing room for student use.

The renovations cost $35.6 million.

Lowe said he thinks students will be pleased with the renovations.

"It's a beautiful building and it really transformed that corner of the campus into something that will draw all the residence halls together," he said. "Students should be very happy."


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