Golden Key to have spelling bee tonight

Tonight, 18 students will have the opportunity to prove their spelling knowledge among their peers at the Golden Key Spelling Bee.

The event, hosted by the Ball State Golden Key International Honour Society, is held every semester to promote literacy on campus and give students a chance to relax and have fun before Finals Week begins.

The words lists range from easy to hard, and the difficulty increases as the competition continues, said Guy Crowder, creator of the spelling bee, in an e-mail. 

A word like appoggiatura might represent one of the harder words, according to a press release from the Ball State Communications Center.

Crowder said contestants will receive numbers as they sign in. Those numbers will then determine the order in which contestants will be called to spell a word.

Students placing in the top three will receive prizes. The first-place winner will receive $100 in cash, while second and third place will receive gift cards to area restaurants.

The contest will take place in the Burkhardt Building room 104 at 8 p.m.


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