Dean explains false alarm at library

Student replies to an "armed intruder" alarm that went off in Bracken Library on Sunday have reached Dean of University Libraries Arthur Hafner, showing anger about the confusion caused by the false alert.

The alarm went off when a library staff member accidently moved the "armed assailant" button while trying to fix a connection that was loose, Hafner said.

"He didn't know it was the button that sent the armed intruder alarm," he said.

University Police responded to the alarm, sending police officers to surround the area from which the alarm was set off. After some minutes, staff members at the library told everyone it had been a false alarm.

In his e-mail, Hafner said he apologized "for any inconvenience or fear [the false alarm] may have created."

"We have this system in the library, which is wonderful, but the darn thing went off and scared the bejesus out of everyone," he said. "I feel terrible that this happened."

Hafner said the library will be working to train its staff members to be able to handle similar situations in the future.


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