SGA prepares for election season

The Student Government Association election season is approaching which means potential slates are forming as well as a new elections board.

President Beth Cahill said Cory Schneider, senior advertising major, has been appointed as this year's elections board chair. Schneider will announce the other six members of the elections board at the senate meeting Jan. 27.

In the meantime, Schneider said he is working hard on drafting a list of possible participants as well as accepting and relying on recommendations from the SGA Executive Board and Director of Student Life Lynda Wiley. Schneider said he is hoping to put together a board representative of the student body's diversity that includes both seasoned and new members of the organization as well as those who are not involved at all.

"The Elections Board is given full authority on all matters regarding Student Government Association elections and, believe me, I'm very excited to finalize the recruitment of my fellow board members and for elections season to get underway," he said. "It's an honor and a great privilege to have been asked to be a part of the student democratic process."

There are no major changes to this year's elections process, Schneider said. Slates are still required to pay a down payment of $225, are not allowed to spend more than $2500 during campaigning and are to get 400 valid signatures on the election's petition packet.

This year's election packets also are the same format as last year's. The only change is that rather than asking signers of the petition to put their names and provide their Ball State address and phone number, they are also required to print and sign their name. This was added to the packets to avoid any mishaps similar to last year's election, Schneider said.

"Ultimately, our goal is to generate interest and publicize the elections of the Student Government Association, create an elections environment that is fair and unbiased and to promote the integrity of the elections process here at Ball State," Schneider said.

Schneider doesn't see any potential problems occurring this year because he is confident he will have a well-rounded and unbiased elections board.

No members of this year's slate Cardinal Impact will return to SGA. Vice President Mandy Mills, Secretary Carson Lance and Treasurer Nick Turner are graduating this year.

President and junior Beth Cahill said she plans to announce she will not be running again at SGA's next senate meeting.

"There are still a lot of things I want to do before I graduate," Cahill said.

She most likely won't be involved in the Senate, she said, but possibly with the University Senate to stay involved in the system.

"It is really hard for past presidents to be involved in the senate because there are such drastic changes in the rules," she said.

SHERIFF: Responsible for assessing fines, monitoring campaign regulations, and enforcing campaign rules.
SECRETARY: Draws up agendas for each meeting, and acts as the chair in the elections board chair's absence.
TREASURER: Monitors financial statements of candidates, notifies of and collects fines, collects down payment of each running slate.
DEBATE COORDINATOR: Selects panelists for each debate, monitors debates and selects the locations, time and place of each one. Contacts all media outlets.
2 VOTING MEMBERS: Sits on the board, has a voice


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