Ball State student searches for blood stem cell donor

Ball State University student Kelsey Koch has Job's Disease, a rare genetic immune deficiency disease that causes her skin to deteriorate.

She needs a blood stem cell transplant to help her rare affliction.
Koch will speak at a Ball State professor's class this morning to help raise awareness for her disease, which her teenage sister also has.

Psychological science professor Ronald Truelove said Koch will visit his classroom from 9 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. today in Teachers College Room 101. Although his class starts at 8 a.m., Truelove said all students are welcome to come in at 9 a.m. to hear Koch speak.

Koch is a student in the psychological science department, but Truelove said she is so ill that he doesn't know when or how she will graduate.

"She's fighting for her life," he said.

To get her blood stem cell transplant, Koch must first find a matching donor. It costs $100 for each person tested for a match. Chances of finding that match increase with the number of people who are tested, Truelove said.

"We're going to try to save this girl's life," he said. "We just need donors."


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