SPEAK SOFTLY: Fight for your candidate

As of last week, when Governor Mitt Romney dropped out of the race, it has become quite apparent John McCain is not the first choice of most Republicans. While he did remarkably well on Super Tuesday and has mathematically all but sealed the nomination, McCain still has to convince many Republicans he is the right man for the job. He has a lot of work ahead of him. To beat Hillary or Obama, it's going to take a major push with the party. This push is not yet a possibility.

The fight for the Democratic nomination is far from over. Obama and Hillary will likely be fighting all the way to the national convention. Those college students who are dedicated to voting for a Democratic ticket still have a while to fight. There is still time to pick apart the candidates and bicker over who America is ready for, a female or a black president.

We as college students have a lot to think about. We have a major decision coming up. Could McCain keep this country safe and on the offensive against terror? Could Hillary possibly bring health care to every single person in the United States? Can Barack Obama bring our economy back to where it needs to be? We are the next generation. This is our campaign. It's time to figure out whom to vote for. Every election is important, but this one seems more crucial than most.

With college students perpetually broke, financial support of a campaign is truly limited to maybe a few dollars here or there. The big way to get support out for our candidate is through volunteer work. Find your candidate. Use the internet, use the library, use the newspapers and find who you want to support. Then it is crucial to get out there. Make sure that you don't wake up the day after the election wishing you had done more to get the results you were looking for.

As time goes on Republicans such as myself may learn to appreciate McCain. Who knows, we may actually end up liking him. Unfortunately, he has a long way to go in uniting the party, but he is the best the Republicans could find. Now is not the time to mope about how we really wanted Tommy Thompson or Rudy Giuliani. Now is not the time to cry over spilled milk. As a loyal Republican, I will likely vote for McCain. We disagree on many issues, but he is a far better choice than I see across the aisle. For the young Republicans, the wait is over. Now it is time to mobilize. Now is the time to begin the fight to keep the Democrats out of the Oval Office. Even if Republicans hate McCain, it seems far better than the alternative.

As the next few primaries come in, we may learn who both parties nominees are. Huckabee may drop out. Clinton and Obama may come to an agreement, although that seems unlikely.

Now is the time to start fighting for our candidate. Take control of your future and fight for what you believe in. Let's not wake up on November 5 realizing we've made a mistake. See where you want this country to go, or else it will be a long four years until 2012.

Write to Alex at apcarroll@bsu.edu


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