Senators look to increase awareness about issues

Emergency lights, school supplies were discussed at meeting

Student Government Association senators got back to business after a week off for Thanksgiving Break. While meetings normally consist of caucus and committee reports, Wednesday's meeting went by quickly because only committee reports were given.

Below is a breakdown of what the committee chairpersons told the senators:

Academic Affairs: Chairman Carson Lance said he sent e-mails to college deans, assistant deans and chairpersons to get feedback on mandatory teacher evaluations. He did not get much response, but he would go over what he did receive in the next couple of weeks, he said.

Governmental Affairs and Environmental Awareness:Chairman Shawn Meier said his committee is finishing the How-To book that would provide information for incoming freshmen about how things are done on campus. He said the book would be finished next week, and also reminded the senators of the SGA-sponsored blood drive Friday at Park Hall.

Student Safety: Chairwoman Carrie Cozad said she spoke with people from the Residence Hall Association to get information out to students concerning the use of pepper spray and mace on campus. She also will speak to Director of Public Safety Gene Burton about getting emergency lights installed by Scheumann Stadium and getting a yield sign installed in the parking lot near LaFollette Complex she said.

Student Services: Chairman Frank Hood said he spoke with Director of Campus Dining Jon Lewis about getting the penalties for not picking up food that was ordered online advertised more. Hood said Lewis would make the penalties more noticeable on Dining's Web site. He also gave Lewis a list of school supplies that students could buy in the Bookmark Café, Hood said, and Lewis would see what he could do about getting that implemented.


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