Muncie Gras attendance increases

Business owners say milder weather attracted more patrons

Mild weather brought about four times more Muncie Gras customers than last year, according to Kent Shuff, owner of Vera Mae's Bistro.

Muncie Gras 2007 was plagued by bitter cold temperatures, causing potential customers to stay home instead of heading downtown, Shuff said.

"Last year's weather was absolutely terrible," he said. "This year was much more mild."

Heated tents and indoor concerts also helped draw out the crowds, he said.

"Overall it went very well," he said. "About half of our customers were new customers, that is people who have never visited us before."

Tom Green, owner of The Blue Bottle Coffee Shop, said he also saw a larger turnout than last year.

"We had a wide range of people this year," he said "and no one seemed to be bothered by the weather at all."

Business picked up around 10 p.m., about halfway through the Muncie Gras festivities, he said.

"A lot of regulars stayed away, but we more than made up for that," he said. "We were pretty steady all night.

Shuff said Muncie Gras was one of the most successful nights for sales, ranking just under New Year's Eve, Ball State University commencement and Valentine's Day.

Vera Mae's was supportive of the downtown festivities, he said.

The restaurant was decorated with items purchased in New Orleans, and the restaurant staff wore themed costumes for the evening, he said.

Green said The Blue Bottle had a Cajun theme for the night.

Food such as red beans and rice were introduced to the regular menu, he said.

Belly dancers jingled in window displays in the front of the restaurant as Tarot Card readers told customers' fortunes, he said.

Green and Shuff said they planned to repeat the same activities next year at their respective establishments.


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