ANALYZE THIS: Accept drinks from strangers with caution

Sometime during the Fall Semester, The Giant Locker Room will be changing location ... Thank God. It's about time it finally noticed there was a line at the bar longer than Carter's hot dog stand.

The Locker Room is currently located on the corner of McKinley and University avenues and will be moving to the space in the Village formerly known as Wing-Out.

With the Locker Room soon changing places in the Village, more people than ever are going to come out and check out the new place. Muncie locals who usually stand on the balcony level at Dill Street will no doubt wander over. All six people inside the bar formerly known as the Bird (now the Warehouse) will finally leave. The music crowd at Mo's Tavern will come running (who am I kidding? No they won't). And a generous amount of students will come in hopes of finally finding an open table at the Locker Room.

No doubt about it, the "new" bar will be hopping.

Well, about as much as a bar can "hop" in Muncie, Ind.

Which leads to the point ... girls, be careful who you accept drinks from.

There are usually three motives behind people (OK, let's be sexist here - guys) who buy drinks for others at bars.

1. The obvious motive - to get lucky, laid, hook-up, some action, whatever you prefer to call it. These are the poor saps who think by buying enough drinks they will lower a girl's inhibitions enough to get her to sleep with them. Unfortunately, sometimes these guys succeed. However, more often than not, they end up spending a campus job paycheck on drinks for a girl and all her friends for nothing more than a giggle and a hug. These are the guys who put a long island on their tab and assume you are suddenly joined at the hip. There's a good chance they might follow you out of the bar or find you on Facebook even though you gave them a fake name. If that doesn't scream "not creepy at all," I don't know what does. Avoid these individuals at all costs.

2. To impress a girl - these are the group of guys in the corner of the bar with no one of the opposite sex within a 20-foot radius. These beer-pitcher-buying-round-of-shots-for-my-friends guys will see an attractive lady and quickly assume a drink is the key to her heart. These guys are harmless, really ... just a little on the desperate side. Now before you guys get offended and claim you are just trying to be social, stop. I can smell the liquor on your breath from here, and I have seen many times your blatant attempt to gain a girl's attention by handing them booze.

3. Nothing - It's a bit of a rarity, but it does happen. There are guys out there who just feel like being a genuinely nice guy and expect nothing else than for the girl to enjoy her drink. Where are these guys, you ask? Don't ask me, but I'd venture to say they don't hang out much in the Village. Let me know when you find them.

All guys fall into one of these categories. The majority are in the first category, a good amount in the second and a handful in the third.

Ladies, be careful who you accept drinks from and what the guy expects in exchange for it.

Guys, keep the drinks coming, but please don't expect anything in return except a thank you.

Write to Jessica at


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