OUR VIEW: Home-field (dis)advantage

AT?ISSUE:?Students must outnumber Hoosier fans or face embarrassment

During the Aug. 31 season opener, Ball State University students came out and showed they halfway cared about their football team.

On Saturday, "halfway" is not going to cut it. Students need to show up to this game to outnumber Indiana University's fan base.

We know the excuses. We've heard and said them too. But the team won its first game of the season; the "we suck" attitude is null and void.

IU is a short two-hour drive away, but it'll feel much longer if the Hoosiers are sent home after a spanking from the Cardinals.

And for those who usually parade around campus in IU apparel - let alone other schools' - show where your true loyalties lie. Put on a Ball State shirt for the game and show some pride for your university.

Expect a big crowd to show up from Bloomington, but don't expect them to sit idly between touchdowns. Their voices will be heard, whether it's on the field or off. Bottom line: They're looking for a victory at any cost.

Don't be outnumbered in the stands. If the only Ball State students there are those who were at the Eastern Michigan game, we will be put to shame. We'll be looking at a home-field disadvantage instead of an advantage.

Make an effort to be at the game. Don't recycle old excuses.

Win or lose on the field, a lack of fan turnout would be flat-out embarrassing -¡- and completely inexcusable.


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