LETTERS: Television modeling show promotes confidence in women, not obesity

Dear Editor,

I am writing in concern of a recent Forum opinion column, "Celebs Shouldn't Put Obesity in Positive Light," which caught my undivided attention. Being at an average weight, I am still appalled by the column. After reading this horrific article, I used Brad Hostetter's references to obtain my own knowledge. Using the Web sites he suggested, I searched through pictures and statements. I found that the naive columnist needed to distinguish between full-figured and obese women. As most women know, full-figured individuals are usually plus size, meaning sizes that are more than 16.

The show we are discussing - "Mo'Nique's F.A.T. Chance" - is simply promoting being comfortable in your own skin, not necessarily promoting obesity. I'm sure the tagline to the show is not, "Let's all go and get fat!"

Also, I want to address the topic of his perfect woman. I noticed Hostetter compared women to food, when he claimed that if you put two bugles together by the ends, you would have the perfect woman. I found this very insulting and degrading to women, thin or heavy.

I am hoping the readers of this article do not agree with its superficial writer.


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