LETTERS: Souder's law victimizes those who cannot afford universities

Dear Editor,

I wish to thank The Ball State Daily News for the Friday article "Student files lawsuit; freshman convicted for drug possession loses financial aid."

All over America, students - and those who want to be but can no longer afford it - are being victimized and violated by "Souder's Law." I am thrilled that Ball State's Alexis Schwab is fighting back.

Schwab is being helped in her lawsuit by the American Civil Liberties Union and Students for a Sensible Drug Policy. I belong to the SSDP Geezer Auxiliary. I strongly urge every Ball State University student to join the SSDP today and follow Schwab's example of defending herself against this vile, child-bashing, racist federal law.

Rep. Mark Souder, a perpetual gift to our Congress from Fort Wayne's voters, sneaked this toxic legislation into a huge omnibus federal education reform bill at the last moment, with no public hearings and no public testimony. Most members of Congress who voted for the omnibus reform bill had not read Souder's last-minute amendment and were wholly unaware of its contents.

That was seven years - and 160,000 young people denied student loans - ago. A growing caucus of decent representatives and senators have publicly vowed to repeal this continuing injustice.

Make sure your U.S. representative and your senators have publicly declared their intentions to repeal Souder's Law. Make sure they know how you'll vote until they do.

On Nov. 7, Souder will run for re-election.

Is every Ball State student registered to vote in the Nov. 7 election?

Those from Souder's (3rd) District, please register there so your vote can defeat him and end his campaign of hate and foot-shooting damage.

And I hope every college student in Indiana makes time to talk to the voters of Fort Wayne and ask them to please end Souder's cruelty.

A face-to-face conversation with a neighbor is the most powerful tool of political persuasion. (But the Internet and e-mail are excellent, too. You can steal lots of votes from Souder in your dorm room.)

Souder's law exclusively victimizes the poor. Well-off families don't need federal financial aid.

Souder's law most heavily targets students of color, African-Americans and Hispanics, but Souder will be thrilled to ruin your dreams of a good life through higher education regardless of your race, color, religion or ethnicity.

Until they start fighting back, as Schwab has chosen to do, America's students are just Souder's defenseless victims. Every destroyed college education is Savage Voter Candy to re-elect Souder.

Do the greatest thing for America, and for yourselves, that a college student in Indiana can do: Defeat Mark Souder on Nov. 7. Twelve years of reckless cruelty is enough.


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