SGA, blood banks work together to put on blood drive

Donors to receive free food coupons, wrist bands, gift bag

Student Government Association is teaming up with competing blood banks Ball Memorial Hospital Blood Bank and Indiana Blood Center to play host to a blood drive from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. today at the Irving Gym Balcony.

"This is really a first in pretty much all of Indiana when two blood banks from opposite territories have worked side by side," said Sharon Rhodes, donor services coordinator for Ball Memorial Hospital Blood Bank. Normally IBC and BM do their drives on their own territory, but today they will combine forces so donors won't have to wait in line to give blood, Rhodes said.

SGA and Ball Memorial played host to a blood drive in April last year and received more than four times as many donors as expected, Jessica Polley, at-large student center for Student Senate, said. They anticipated 25 donors but were overwhelmed when 114 people went to donate, she said.

When SGA approached Rhodes about having another drive this year, Rhodes contacted IBC, which is currently experiencing a blood shortage, for help because BMH didn't have the staff to handle last year's donor volume, she said.

"Out staff is small, and that's why we've called in reinforcements to help, so people don't have to wait a long time," she said. Many donors were turned away during last year's drive, and they didn't want to have to do that again this year, she said.

Local businesses donated hundreds of coupons for the drive to give away on a prize wheel, Polley said. Prizes include Kerasotes movie money, Scotty's Brewhouse coupons, free Wendy's Frosty coupons, free McDonald's hamburger coupons and free Blondie's cookie coupons. Charlie Cardinal is expected to make an appearance, as well as IBC's mascot Charlie Corpuscle, a blood drop costume.

Every donor will get a chance to spin the wheel and will also take home a Blondie's cookie coupon, "Give Blood Awareness" band -- similar to the Lance Armstrong "Live Strong" bands -- and a gift bag.

SGA is hoping 150 people will give blood but has enough prizes for 250 people, Polley said. Even if certain people end up not being eligible to donate blood, they are more than welcome to volunteer and help donors in the refreshment area or with anything else the blood banks need.

Rhodes said donors should be able to get in, donate blood and leave in about 35 minutes. Blood donated through BMH will stay at BMH and blood donated through IBC will stay at IBC.

Giving up 35 minutes of one's time and donating a pint of blood is a minor inconvenience in contrast with what the blood can do to help others, Polley said, who received a blood transfusion when she hemorrhaged two quarts of blood after undergoing a tonsillectomy.

"Had someone not donated blood, I would not be here," Polley said. "You can touch people's lives you'll never meet."


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