HIER UND JETZT: DeLay's actions speak louder than Democrats' words

Really, nothing could be better for the Democrats than DeLay sticking around, drawing attention to his misdeeds, and Missouri Congressman Roy Blunt, who serves as House GOP whip, said on NBC's "Meet the Press" that DeLay "has no intention of stepping aside." Great news for us on the Democratic side! So long as our leaders in congress are content to criticize Republicans without offering a solution, we need all of Tom DeLay we can get. If we can't show ourselves to be right, we should let Tom Delay make his party look worse.

Democrats could talk until they're blue in the face criticizing DeLay, but the behavior he and his cronies have shown lately will ultimately do enough damage without Democrats talking it up. Just this last week, political genius Ted "Cat Scratch Fever" Nugent and DeLay got together to rally for the National Rifle Association. Nugent shared some of his wisdom, stating: "Remember the Alamo! Shoot 'em!" he screamed to applause. "To show you how radical I am, I want carjackers dead. I want rapists dead. I want burglars dead. I want child molesters dead. I want the bad guys dead. No court case. No parole. No early release. I want 'em dead. Get a gun, and when they attack you, shoot 'em." This is what the NRA stands for? Repugnant.

Sure the Nugent incident isn't illegal or unethical, just ignorant -- but entertaining. DeLay has, however, engaged in more than his share of tail-twisting and other political debauchery, which should leave most Americans convinced he is bad for congress, the American people and his own party. Yet he keeps on keeping' on despite having been admonished twice by the House ethics committee. However, it should be noted that two members of that committee, Lamar Smith and Tom Cole, actually contributed money to DeLay's legal defense fund. Amazing.

DeLay has run into trouble for everything from accepting without reporting cash donations and baby showers for family members to accepting contributions from companies indicted in the redistricting scam of 2002 to accepting paid travel from foreign agents and paying his family members a salary for campaign work never performed. Despite all the obvious, blatant and severe violations of ethical, legal and moral standards, DeLay still remains a hero to the myopic 'religious right' through his support of icons of the movement such as Ralph Reed and James Dobson. He was even able to effectively portray himself as a concerned observer in the Terry Schiavo case when he called it barbaric to remove her feeding tube, despite the fact that in 1988 DeLay and his family elected to withhold nutrition and dialysis from his ailing father, which lead to his father's death within a matter of days.

If you're not familiar with DeLay or his antics beyond the tip of the iceberg I've revealed today, you need to be. This man effectively runs the House through his power as House majority leader. All joking aside, DeLay needs to go. Now.

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