YOUR TURN: Latest SGA situation shows poor design

Tommy Rector was Student Government Association president when I was a senator. In that time, I was able to learn, dissect and become disenchanted with the SGA red-tape, bureaucratic and ineffective ways of conducting business. I since have found other avenues for me to positively impact the community and Ball State. However, this issue regarding Team Clemens is only another opportunity for the student body to accurately view the poorly constructed situations on hand in every SGA meeting. I've remained connected to SGA in some fashion in the past three years and sadly, little has changed.

Many things are to blame for the current situation. In black and white, Team Clemens didn't have their documents completed and turned in on time. End of story. Thanks for playing.

However, the students desire something more than Team Us on their computer screens when the time to vote arrives. Leaving Team Us candor out of the question for the moment, there are a few fatal flaws to the system here. While Geraci serves as President Pro-Tempore, it is UNDENIABLY a conflict of interest for him, or those on his respective slate, to vote on such an issue. I understand the idea that they still hold voting power, and given the circumstances that the potential addition of late slate Clemens provides, I can also understand why they might still have the right to vote. Still, it's poor design, and I can't imagine many people not seeing that.

Also, I think it is important to think of the actual system. SGA is composed of STUDENT representatives, receiving nothing but resume buffer and a garnishing of pride in the idea that they have positively impacted Ball State and its pieces. That is in no way an attempt to downplay the role of student senators. I very much appreciate their willingness to cordially serve. I emphasize student for a simple reason of what most students, especially active students such as senators, already feel; time constraints. If all the pomp and circumstance of parly pro (parliamentary procedure) had been executed, including the motions, moves, suspensions, additions and rectifications, the meeting would have lasted longer than most would have been willing to happily accept. I'm not saying this is the only reason, but it certainly raises an eyebrow.

So, Team Us will now be next year's elected officials. I'll confess my concern over perceived ideas of what is about to happen. I, too, have heard the platform twice from Geraci, the only member of Team Us whom I have been unimpressed with. Admittedly, I appreciate his ability to appear more relative to the students, but his appearance in both showcases I've witnessed has done nothing to command respect or even politely ask for it. As a matter of circumstance, one wouldn't appear to be anything less than their best if in pursuit of an important position or opportunity. I would think that the SGA president hopeful would also entertain that idea. Aside from a terribly weak platform -- including the addition of new toilet paper (which was accepted in Housing two years ago) and the elimination of Saturday finals (where well-researched legislation has been tabled for over three years within University Senate) -- I've heard him mention on both occasions I've seen him that Team Us found it "unfortunate that no other slates were in the running." I encourage you to put your money where your mouth is, Geraci. Actually, you already have, by voting against hearing Team Clemens. You didn't have to vote to even allow the slate to become active, but it would have done wonders for the students, your apparent pride and joy, for you to have heard Clemens' ideas. And in not doing so, you've effectively cut your own legs out from under you before the trek has even started. A demonstration of class and maturity would have been well received. Unfortunately, you now have acted accordingly within your own best interests. And the students have noticed.

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