Measure would combine elections

Approval of legislation still required from University Senate

Legislation involving a new university-wide election timeline for all Ball State University Senate committees and councils passed through the University Senate agenda committee Monday morning.

With the new timeline, all officer positions will be filled and appointments will be made by the end of the 2005 Spring Semester.

The legislation still has to be approved by the University Senate, but Bruce Hozeski, vice chair of University Senate and chair of the governance committee, said the legislation was drafted three years ago. It has been worked on by two task forces in an effort to best accommodate the new system and the new constitution.

"The new timeline is drastically different," Hozeski said. "It's really more of a one-time deal that will get the new Senate system into operation and get everyone caught up. The current system works, but it could always work better."

The election system begins with nominations, followed by senate elections and university council elections and ending with campus council elections, council committee elections and appointments.

"There isn't much of a specific timeline; we're just trying to follow a pattern here," Hozeski said. "We're doing this for two main reasons; we're trying to update the process and make for a better flow of information up through the system."

The Student Senate and Student Government Association have been acting as two separate groups without much linking them, but with the changes, the Student Senate will have a direct link to the agenda committee and will be able to more effectively pass and propose legislation, Hozeski said.

The new process will also benefit students, he said.

"With this process, students will be incorporated in a more meaningful fashion," Hozeski said. "Joe Flores and Jayson Manship were involved in the task force, and we got a lot of input from them. It isn't always about having the numbers but having the right people in the right places."

If the legislation is passed by University Senate, elections should be completed by the end of April.

The agenda committee also passed a technology resolution recommending the installation of individual monitoring systems for at least one large lecture hall on campus. The University Senate and Student Senate would use the monitoring system to vote electronically, and the equipment would also be used by students in large lecture classes for taking quizzes, Hozeski said.

Both resolutions will go to the Senate for vote at the next University Senate meeting at 4:00 p.m. Feb. 24 in the L.A. Pittenger Student Center.


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