SLEEPING IT OFF: Escape only answer to get away from school, parents

As the summer ends, we return to a long nine months of lectures, labs, class work, reports and random projects. There are many feelings around campus at this time of the year. Some of you might feel like you are walking through a dream, and at any moment your mother is going to start yelling at you to wake up and go to school. While others of you might be feeling like you are walking through the seventh layer of hell, anticipating the long year and the work that come with it. Others of you might be feeling a mix of the two, and you are strangely relieved to be on the familiar territory of the Ball State campus, but you feel robbed of all the good times summer held for you. As it goes, I too am right in the middle. I am eager to return to the friendships I left some three months ago, yet I feel like I still have some summer things to do.

For most college students, the summer holds promises of old friends, late nights, sleeping past 3 p.m. in the afternoon and a full-time job.

As I look back on how the summer was spent for me, there seems to be too much of the old friends, not enough of the late nights or sleeping in, and way too much of the job. There seems to be a massive burden off my shoulders as I return to Ball State, only to be replaced with a bigger one in a few weeks. The long nights hanging out with friends will soon be replaced with long nights full of studying, sleeping past noon will be a thing of the past, and instead of spending all day at work, I will sit in a classroom all day. A fair trade in my eyes.

With the few redeeming factors the summer had, such as the concert visits, the nights spent in a garage relaxing with friends until 5 a.m. and a few offerings to the porcelain god on random nights, most of it was spent with complaining customers and even more whiny co-workers. The return is long over due and log awaited. Yet, for some strange reason, I still long for those days. Maybe it was knowing that once I left work for the day I was done for a few hours until, and maybe it was knowing that I was bringing in a paycheck for all the stuff I dealt with in any given day.

All in all, I am looking forward to the surprises the school year will hold. The all-nighters spent studying that seem inevitable don't seem to bother me much. Walking to class in the snow isn't really on my mind. The burden that school hold hasn't really struck me as that much of a problem. The only thing on my mind seems to be the escape from everything. No more parents yelling about sleeping too much, no more friends complaining about not hanging out with them enough, no more work at a job I hate. Only school and friends lay ahead. Only good times from now on.


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