THE PRICE OF TEA IN CHINA: Moving out means heightened stress

Nothing in life is ever easy.

This isn't life's fault. Life's natural tendency is to make everything go as smoothly as possible. Life hates the IRS and Parking Services. Life wants you to spring out of bed every morning singing the BSU fight song opera-style and nestle into bed before 2 a.m. every evening. If it were up to life, you would never lose your keys or lock them in your car with the engine running while you are parked in a handicapped space because you were throwing garbage away before you drive three and a half hours home with your two cats, which are inside the locked vehicle probably getting carbon monoxide poisoning.

Furthermore, life doesn't want you to have any stressful finals.

Luckily, life has smiled upon me (perhaps for the third time ever) and granted me a finals-free week. This is marvelous because the weekend before they would be taking place, I am moving four miles across town to another apartment.

According to expert calculations from the College Students Have Way Too Much Crap Journal, which I receive every month and save because I cannot possibly throw anything away, moving from apartment to apartment has the stress level of six finals on the same day at the same time. Let's look at the facts:

- Moving out of a dorm room is easy. Your RA has a mandatory floor meeting two weeks before move-out. The people who feel like showing up will, and she will tell you to remember to take out your trash, open your curtains, unplug your refrigerator, etc. When you move out of an apartment, there is no order. Often -- and this is my plan -- you gather a few large boxes and fill them with random objects which you think belong to you, but you are not sure. Then you drive to your new apartment, dump the contents on the floor and repeat as necessary.

- Moving your big, heavy things is easy because your dad brings the truck and your mom brings the minivan. Also, you have far fewer big, heavy things because you have far fewer square feet in which to live. Moving a refrigerator and a futon mattress with two vehicles meant for hauling such things is a piece of metaphoric cake compared to moving three bookshelves, a desk and an entertainment center with the Little Ford Taurus That Could and the Chevy Lumina of the Artist Currently Known As Your Boyfriend.

- Transportation of items can potentially be easy because you have carts and elevators at your disposal, provided they are available and running properly, which naturally they never were when I was moving in/out. If you are fortunate enough to move from a second-story apartment to another second-story apartment, you will want nothing more than to throw your belongings (along with yourself) out the window because it is the quickest route to your car.

And, like life, the list goes on. If you are moving from the dorms into an apartment this spring or coming fall, make sure the apartment is a place you like and will remain forever. Or make lots of friends with trucks.

If you have any right now, have them contact me. I'll be somewhere between Morrison and Bethel.

Write to Aleshia at


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