OUR VIEW Keeping promises

AT ISSUE: Team Tietz to be installed into SGA executive board

As the results of the Student Government Association election were announced, members of Team Tietz were most likely celebrating and enjoying the victory.

But with this victory comes responsibility. Team Tietz outlined a plan -- a set of promises to Ball State students.

Under academics, the slate said it would have the Bracken computer lab open 24 hours or extend its hours to better accommodate students. The slate also wants professor names on course registration books.

For safety, the slate wants to increase lighting and the number of call boxes, possibly extend shuttle routes and shuttle bus hours.

The slate also wants to get students involved in SGA, University Senate and other university operations and decisions.

One issue the slate backed that stood out was the environment. The slate plans to expand the use of Ball State's recycling system.

In Muncie relations, the slate plans to help alleviate Muncie's pothole problem and eliminate the "no turns on red" on intersections around campus.

Team members said that if these projects cannot be completed, they would have an explanation why their goals were not accomplished.

When Team Tietz members take office, students should pay attention to their progress on these issues. The team has told Ball State that it has a plan. It is the students' job to make sure the plan is successfully implemented.

The Daily News will also be monitoring Team Tietz and its actions to make sure members follow through on their goals.

The slate has proved it has student backing. Now it must prove that it can execute its platform.


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