LETTER: Lilly Endowment will fund UPB event, not student tuition

Dear Editor,

Indeed, the University Program Board is sponsoring what may be one of the most extraordinary events that this university has experienced in a long time: a carnival. On April 23, the UPB's Late Nite programming department will be converting the parking lots behind the Student Center into a spectacle, the likes of which have been unrivaled by other UPB events of the past. There are, however, a few financial discrepancies with the opinions of Ben McShane that must be corrected. To correct the apparent error in communication, the UPB wishes to properly inform our community of what is to come in the following months.

As McShane previously reported, there is a significant budget that has been allocated for the event, as these types of events do require long-term planning and significant financial resources in order to assure their success. It must be made clear to the student body, however, that they are in no way paying for this event. Due to generous funding by the Lilly Foundation Inc. through the Lilly Endowment, the UPB's Late Nite events are provided at absolutely no expense to the students of the Ball State community. In order not to exacerbate the notion that the UPB uses student tuition to finance programming, it is to be noted that the use of Lilly Foundation endowments is strictly governed by the donor.

With the extension of this knowledge to students, those who may have been "crying foul" may alleviate their concerns and rest assured that subsidies are adequately researched and go through an extensive approval process, taking into consideration the best interests of the student population.

At a recent meeting of UPB executive officers, plans were finalized for rides that will be available to students in April. Tuesday's congregation voted in acceptance of a proposal that will seek to finalize a contract for carnival rides appropriate to financial resources and granted space. The UPB wishes to reassure all students that their concerns are always noted and ideas or comments are welcome. We will continue to update the community on upcoming events in all ways possible. For more information on future UPB events, please consult http://www.bsu.edu/UPB.

Also, all campus organizations are invited to co-sponsor the April carnival and other alcohol-free event programming.

Shaun T. Wilson

UPB Webmaster


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