LETTER: Bush, Cheney use terrorist attacks as ad campaigns

Dear Editor,

It's the beginning of March and the U.S. presidential race is well underway, now beginning the most active phases by both parties to advertise and campaign nationwide. However, our president's newest advertising campaign blatantly and shamelessly exploits the nation's greatest tragedy -- the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. President Bush delivered a speech on Jan. 23, 2003, saying "I have no ambition whatsoever to use this as a political issue." Now he's doing precisely that. Then, just two weeks ago, Bush and Cheney both attacked the notions of "playing politics with national security."

As voters, we cannot allow a politician to shamelessly cheapen such a tragic event, especially while lying to the public in the process. At all costs, we must show that this is truly unacceptable behavior for the leaders we choose to represent us.

Matt Henry



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