LETTER: Breaking up parties cannot prevent future incidents

Dear Editor,

First, I would like to point out that nowhere in the e-mail from Doug McConkey does it say who he is or what his position is with the university.

I feel that the university's actions in response to recent tragedies is an overly simple way for the University to deal with a problem that isn't a problem. All of these accidents were isolated incidents. Breaking up parties will not save the life of someone that was the prey of a planned robbery. Alcohol and parties can't be the blame for everything.

I've noticed that Ball State is constantly taking the easy way out in all situations. The easiest target to blame for these tragedies is what the university is most unassociated with: parties and drinking. It's very easy for university police to bump up security and bust more parties, so that's exactly how the university is responding.

The school is taking advantage of a horrible situation that has no specific reason for happening. Rather than investigating, researching, and considering the views and opinions of the students, the university seems to have waved the all too typical "It's the fault of drinking and parties!" flag and arresting its own students.

I think it was enough that the students of Ball State have dealt with all of these tragedies. It doesn't help that now they have to look over their shoulders to see if UPD is watching them. The students are already shaken up enough and do not need the school to re-enforce that feeling.

Alcohol doesn't make people kill people. Busting parties will not make students any safer.

I'm a Ball State student that's concerned with how my school is making decisions.

Jack Shepler



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