A letter to a friend

March 11, 2004

Hello Karl! It is your cousin, Kim. I am speaking on behalf of my family, Kevin and Gabriella Clark. We will miss you very much and you will always have a special place in our hearts. You have set an example for all of us to live by. You discriminated against no one, like Jesus did while he was among us. We know that God created you in His image, because we can all see Christ in your kind thoughts and actions. You are a man of principle and honor.-á We are all so proud of you! I have enjoyed the many times we have spent together, although I wish we had many more to share. Kevin and I were so happy that you and your brother were part of our wedding. I will always picture you as your brother's guardian angel because the two of you were always side by side. One was never very far from the other. I would like for all of us to live by your example to promote peace and unity. Although most people know you as a very quiet person, I am glad that Kevin, your brother, and I shared a fun evening where I got see you relax, have a good time and celebrate life! I have enjoyed getting to know your friends and hearing countless recollections of the fun times you guys shared. Your friends have been by your family's side and have provided much comfort for your brother. I can see why you and Brian chose them as friends. Karl, you are so precious to your parents, brother, family, and friends! You were never one for popularity contests or trying to fit in with the crowd. You were always just you -- quiet, shy and witty! This was God's plan for you: to become so well-known across the nation and world for your kind actions. We know that you are in a better place now and are looking down upon us. We will continue to celebrate your life for generations to come. Although my daughter, Gabriella, is too young to understand what has happened, she senses the loss we all feel. She continues to hold the Winnie the Pooh bear you gave her for Christmas close to her. We can't wait to tell her all about you when she is of the age to understand. You have brought our family and friends closer in faith and unity. God, we ask that we may be as brave as Karl in accepting our call to live out the Christian faith. Karl, we love you and send you off to heaven with joyous praise for fulfilling your call!

Traditional Irish Blessing

Karl Thomas Harford,

May the road rise to meet you

May the wind be always at your back

The sun shine warm upon your face

The rains fall soft upon your fields

And until we meet again,

May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.

Seth Dillingham

Love Always,

Kevin, Kimberly and Gabriella Clark


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