OUR VIEW: Sign Here

AT ISSUE: Student Government Association issues petition to put another student on search committee

Student Government Association sent a petition to student organizations Feb 5. Students can sign it to show that they support SGA's push for another student on the presidential search committee.

The letter said the lone student on the committee makes up 7.69 percent of the Presidential Search Committee while students as a whole make up 82.88 percent of the Ball State community.

SGA has taken cautious but crucial action with this petition. The organization should be applauded for formally speaking out against the makeup of the search committee.

SGA will present the petition to the Presidential Search Committee at its meeting Friday.

This does not give the organization much time to gain signatures. SGA needs the help of students. Students in an organization should find the person in charge of the petition and sign it. Those not involved in an organization should go to SGA or friends who are involved and get their signature on paper.

Sign the petition for the future of the university. Sign the petition because students need a president that will put their education at the forefront of his or her interests.

The movement cannot stop here.

SGA has shown that it can and will take action when called upon. In order for the students to make a difference in the presidential search process, SGA must keep finding more outlets to achieve proper student representation.

Though this might only be the beginning, SGA is serving its purpose as the main voice of the students.

That voice should not be silenced, especially at its own will.
