OUR VIEW New voices in student cause

AT ISSUE: University Senate requests another student on Presidential Search Committee

University Senate has joined Student Senate in the fight to add another student representative to the Presidential Search Committee.

Thursday it passed unanimously a motion requesting another student be added. The resolution shows that students aren't the only ones who feel that the committee lacks student representation.

The Board of Trustees has ignored students' complaints until now.

But it's no longer just students complaining.

If a situation is serious enough that all areas of a university are voicing concerns, the Board needs to take another look at its current policy.

It can no longer ignore requests for another student representative. Support for this issue has only grown while the Board remained quiet. Board members cannot continue to act in this way.

Students should see this Senate decision as a green light to continue with current efforts to get another member on the committee.

By showing their commitment to something that doesn't directly affect them, the faculty have added much-needed support to the cause.

Student Government Association is holding a rally at 12:30 p.m. Monday. Everyone should participate in the rally to show the Board that it can no longer ignore this issue.

It is no longer just a "student" ssue.
