OUR VIEW Opportunities Abroad

AT ISSUE: Ball State's study abroad program has been ranked seventh in the nation for five years

Students may be tired of hearing from professors and parents about how college can be an eye-opening experience. However, students who have studied abroad can confirm this statement.

The opportunity to become immersed in a different culture is one students should not refuse. Ball State offers educational experiences around the world including Australia, London, Paris and Asia. Some departments offer trips geared toward specific majors.

Students do not spend all their time in a classroom either. No matter how Americanized the rest of the world seems to be, students will still experience a good strong dose of culture shock in another country.

Instead of spending weekends watching television or visiting Muncie haunts, students go rock climbing in the Australian Outback and take architectural tours of Rome and Paris.

Students should consider studying abroad because it will increase their understanding of world cultures and help them apply that knowledge to their classes at Ball State. It also gives students the opportunity to spend a longer amount of time than an overseas vacation to learn about another nation.

Ball State's programs are also reasonable. Most programs just cost in-state tuition plus airfare and spending money. It may be more reasonable for out-of-state students to take classes in Australia than at Ball State for a semester. Chances are their experiences will be more exciting, also.

Some could say that they will travel the world when they begin their careers. However, it is far more difficult as an adult to leave a full-time job and a family for three months than to leave Ball State for a semester as a single college student.

Students who are eligible to study abroad should take this opportunity. It may be the last time in their lives that they have such an eye-opening experience.


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