Mitchell removed from IFC post

Trustee student member violated Council policy, officials said

Board of Trustees student representative Kyle Mitchell was removed from his Interfraternity Council position last week because he interfered with IFC policy, IFC president Bo Moreland said.

The Executive Council will hold nominations Feb. 5 for a replacement for Mitchell, who was the Community Service and Philanthropy chairman, Moreland said.

Moreland said IFC decided to end a Jan. 17 social event at Mitchell's fraternity, Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Mitchell interfered with Executive Council's attempt to end the event, which led the council to vote for his removal, Moreland said. A two-thirds majority was required to remove Mitchell from office.

"When Kyle was put in the position, he took an oath he would act in the best interest of the greek community, and he didn't," Moreland said. "In no way is this an attack on Kyle Mitchell."

Mitchell was installed as chairman in December. He previously served on the rushing expansion committee. Earlier last year, the Board of Trustees appointed Mitchell as the student representative on the board.

Board of Trustees member Gregory Schenkel did not comment because he said he didn't have a full understanding of the situation, and Board of Trustees president Tom DeWeese could not be reached.

Mitchell did not return repeated calls seeking comment.

Moreland said he cannot say why the executive council disbanded the social event because Sigma Alpha Epsilon is before the Judicial Board of Review for having the event. The judicial board acts as a trial to judge fraternities that are suspected of breaking IFC policy.

Moreland said Mitchell had never gone against IFC policy before.

Chris Kurtz, IFC vice president and chief justice of the Judicial Board of Review, said until the board reaches a decision, no one can talk about the social event or anything connected with it. That includes discussing Mitchell's removal, even though Mitchell is not under review, Kurtz said.

The board spends a week to 10 days reviewing a case, Rob Turning, assistant director of student organizations, said.

Turning said Sigma Alpha Epsilon has been notified it is under review for the social event, but a date for the hearing has not been set.

Ryan Malone, Sigma Alpha Epsilon president, said the Executive Council didn't inform him and the other fraternity presidents until Wednesday that Mitchell had been removed from office, and he didn't know the reasons behind the decision.


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