Man robs, flees Muncie bank

Suspect fled scene on Jackson Street before police arrived

Police are investigating a bank robbery that occurred in Muncie Monday afternoon.

According to witnesses, a man entered the Mutual Federal Savings Bank at 2918 W. Jackson St. at approximately 2:15 p.m., said Dave Heeter, CEO of the bank.

The suspect got away before police arrived and has not been apprehended yet, Heeter said.

The Muncie Police Department did not give details about the robbery, as it is still completing its investigation.

Bank manager Sonya Sochor, who was at the bank that afternoon, did not comment about the robbery but instead referred questions to the bank's main branch.

Heeter said he was not at the bank at the time of the robbery but said he heard about the incident while on his way home from a Florida business trip.

"My first reaction was to make sure everybody was OK and the facility was secured," Heeter said. "Everybody was fine, which was the most important thing."

Heeter said he was sure some customers were at the bank at the time of the robbery. He also said the suspect did get away with an "undisclosed amount of cash."

"(Witnesses) are assisting in any way they can with the police," Heeter said. "They're doing whatever they can to help."

During his 25 years at the Mutual Federal Savings Bank, Heeter said he has experienced a couple of other bank robberies; however, he said robberies at the bank are uncommon.

The CEO also said he believed the bank employees handled the situation well.

"Our folks did an excellent job in following the proper procedures in keeping everybody safe," he said.

Pat Votts, president of the bank, was not at the scene of the robbery but said he heard about the robbery shortly after its occurrence.

Votts said he is also satisfied with how the employees worked together during the incident.

"We're really just glad everyone's safe," he said.


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