LETTER: Presidential search does not remedy student apathy

Dear Editor:

In reading the recent turn of events at Ball State regarding the search for Dr. Brownell's replacement, I am both disheartened and expectant of the recent decision to conduct a closed search. For years, Ball State has tried to no avail to achieve an adequate level of student support for governance, policy review, even SGA elections. Year upon year passes with little to no student involvement and apathy continues to skyrocket. Now, the students want a voice. Were you simply waiting for something important? Was SGA not good enough to go out and vote? How can you expect the university to place some level of responsibility in an apathetic, uninvolved student body?

The Board of Trustees has chosen to run their search how they see fit. They are delegates of the university and have every right to do that. And for the record, a closed search does make the most sense in attracting the most qualified candidates.

If folks are genuinely concerned about the Trustees pulling a fast one on Ball State and providing the position through nepotism then the real issue is not with the presidential search. If that is a genuine concern, then the core issue is the ability of the Trustees to look out for the best interests of BSU.

Alan Rucker

