Event hopes to attract volunteers

Recruitment Fair finds local service work for students

The Spring Volunteer Recruitment Fair begins today in an effort to get students involved in community service throughout Delaware County.

Student Voluntary Services is holding the event and is one of the largest student organizations on campus with more than 2,000 volunteers, Kevin Zalanowski, graduate assistant of SVS said.

Zalanowski expects the fair, which will carry on into Wednesday, will attract about 600 students interested in community-service opportunities, he said.

Daniel Stallings, director of SVS, said the organization collaborates with more than 100 local service agencies including Community Alliance to Promote Education, Pendleton Prison and Ball Memorial Hospital.

Stallings said students can choose what kind of service agencies they want to work with and are required to attend a two-hour orientation for training.

According to the SVS Web site, students work to meet the needs of agencies and populations they serve. Students must work within agency guidelines, but have the flexibility to provide ideas or organize activities in consultation with the agency staff.

Zalanowski said most volunteers are elementary education majors who like to work with children. He said students who study in elementary education need to complete community-service for their classes.

"I really enjoyed volunteering," Jessica Schecklhoff, president of Student Voluntary Services and junior elementary education major, said. "I was really shy to talk to different people, and I think the organization has helped me to become more social and communicate more with people."

Every student is welcome to apply and join a volunteer service, Zalanowski said. Anyone who is interested in volunteering can join SVS.

Zalanowski said volunteering can teach students responsibility and educational skills. Students can also gain resume materials and improve their social values and relationships.

"It is an opportunity to bring the theory in the practices and experiences together," Stallings said. "Students can have an opportunity to get a deep relationship with an agency."

A list of the agencies SVS serves with volunteers will be provided at the recruitment fair in the Student Center Room 118 from 1-5 p.m.

SVS will provide finger foods and punch for students. Students need to bring their user names, passwords and class schedule with them. There will be several members to answer students' questions.


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